Reduce time to Hire by 70%

Increase quality of Hire (3x hire)

Reduce cost to Hire(> 70%)

End-to-End solution (Sourcing to onboard)

End-to-End Process

From souring to onboarding. We automate the end-to-end process of hirings using advanced AI We cater to the needs of Indian and US markets

World Wide Platform

Major integrations with sourcing platforms from India and the US

High Level Ranking

Intelligent ranking of profiles using AI. Bulk communication with candidates at scale. Advanced ATS with features including scheduling interviews,pre-onboarding and onboarding

How It Works?

Our Offering in A Nutshell

  • AI Parser Engine

    JD and resume parser

  • Intelligent Sourcing

    India and US portals

  • AI based Ranking Engine

    Find highly relevant profiles

  • Advanced ATS

    Shortlisting to OnBoarding

  • Efficient Communication

    WA/SMS/EMAIL/IN Message